Get Your “Back 40” Deer Count Accurately
Get Your Buck Doe Ratio
If Land Owner wants to harvest a high number of white-tailed deer each year then maintaining many more does than bucks will definitely get you there. For example, let’s say your hunting property is 500 acres. Assuming the proper carrying capacity for this land is roughly 50 deer (1 deer/10 acres) then a buck to doe ratio of 1:4 would mean your deer herd is comprised of 10 bucks and 40 does.
If the annual fawn production, fawn crop is 50 percent then that equates to 20 fawns survive through the summer and into the fall. With this number in mind, the manager must now remove an excess of 20 deer on the property come fall hunting season to keep the overall deer population size in check with the carry capacity and available habitat.
Free Video Footage Of All The Animals Found
Better than a trail camera, (And Cheaper) Plus you can take the guess work out of knowing your deer herd. Than use the footage to help identify each buck.
Watch Our Display Screen And Count As We Go.
Schedule Yours Now
First day Analysis will be available is Jan 6th. This is only done in daylight hours on cloudy days. We will contact you regarding a reschedule if weather does not cooperate.
Average speed of coverage is 1 acre per minute depending on vegetation.