Our Services

Carcass Recovery

Starting: $275

Want an FAA Certified Pilot to help you get a Hawk’s Eye View in an attempt to not let this Trophy go to waste.

This includes the first hour. $65/hr after first hour.

Time starts upon leaving the Reedsburg office and ends when drone is packed up.

Pet/Animal Recovery

Starting: $65/HR

Lost pet or Farm animals are way easier found from a Hawk’s viewpoint.

An FAA Certified pilot would love to help you find and retrieve your Four Legged Friend.

Time starts upon leaving the Reedsburg office and ends when drone is packed up.

Drone Footage

Starting: $75/HR

We would love to help you capture your event from a Hawk’s point of view.

Or help you get your real estate sold with the help of some aerial photos!

Time starts upon leaving the Reedsburg office and ends when drone is packed up.

Standard Ariel Photo Package Applies

Book an appointment

Whatever your need may be, Definitely reach-out to us before you lose what is dear and valuable to you.